Dave Street's Astro-Photography

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ic434-qhy8hs012909.jpg m42-qhy8hs013109.jpg ngc2264-qhy8hs013109.jpg ngc4438qhy8hs-013109.jpg m45-qhy8hs102909.jpg
IC434 Horsehead and Flame Wide M42 Great Orion Nebula NGC2264 Cone Nebula Region Markarain's Chain of Galaxies M45 Pleiades Star Cluster
ngc2244-qhy8hs013109.jpg m83-qhy8hs012909.jpg m101-qhy8hs013109.jpg m81m82-qhy8hw012909.jpg leotripp-qhy8hs012909.jpg
NGC2244 Rosette Nebula M83 Pinwheel Galaxy Wide M101 Pinwheel Galaxy Wide M81 and M82 Galaxies Leo Tripplet
veilcomplexqhy8ha-100808.jpg moon060908croppedl.jpg m27-062808-qhy8-127mak.jpg m57qhy8sm127-071108.jpg m31qhy8e160-080308a.jpg
Viel Nebula Complex 1st Quarter Moon 060908 M27 Dumbell Nebula M57 Ring Nebula M31 Andromeda Galaxy
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